According to the latest United Nations estimates of the world’s population, in 2019 youth numbered 1.2 billion persons between ages 15-24 years, or around one in every six persons worldwide. Kisumu County is estimated to host a 15% rate of teenage pregnancy and 30% of Antenatal visits in 2018 were made up of adolescents between 10-19 years1. This is in the backdrop of a 16.3% population prevalence rate of HIV which is way higher than the national prevalence of 4.9% and incidence of 6.3 per 1000 population every year where 2% of this is adolescents and young people2. Young people and adolescents still bear the highest burden of death from HIV-related conditions because of the burden of stigma that comes with that age category. It is arguable that the other driver of teenage pregnancy in Kisumu county is sexual and gender-based violence where 1,114 cases of the same were reported in 2018.
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