Who We Are

Y-ACT, Youth in Action, was formed at Amref Health Africa by a group of young innovators in 2017 to address challenges prioritized by the youth. We have become one of the region’s most influential youth-led movements. Y-ACT provides tailored training, mentorship, coaching and coalition-building support to African youth advocates and youth organizations. We believe that Africa’s youth have a tremendous opportunity to shift in-country and regional policy landscapes, address challenges that the youth face, and achieve their full potential.

Winning Models

Youth-led | Youth-driven | Meaningful Youth Engagement

Regional Campaigns


Our Partners


Quick Links:

Write to us:

[email protected]
Y-ACT - Youth in Action
P.O. Box 27691 - 00506, Langata Rd
Nairobi, Kenya

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At #AHAIC2025 we will champion for increased investing in health research, innovation and technology to bridge healthcare disparities by making advanced treatments and diagnostics more accessible and affordable.

Join us!

đź”— https://ahaic.org

@YACT_Africa @powertoyouth21

👏👏 A significant victory for girls’ and women’s rights! The Gambia upholds the ban on FGM, ensuring a safer future for all. Congratulations to all the relentless organizations fighting for women’s rights in The Gambia and the region. Read more: #EndFGM

The sole plan for August 10,2024, is #PedalforMalaria at Hell's Gate Park,Naivasha as we celebrate KeMYC@3.
Join us now and be part of this great initiative.

To partner Contact ⤵️
[email protected]


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